Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Catch Up

The last few days have been rather manic. I feel like there aren't enough hours in the day! I know tomorrow will be more of a reprieve and I'm looking forward to it. Today I grocery shopped at the dread chain store....Kroger. It was daunting and it took some extra coordination than the local grocery around the corner. But, ultimately, it paid off. I save 28%! Yeah for me. I made our most expensive meal this evening in a long time - Quiche. It was yummy and worth a little splurge. Here's a pictoral recap of a couple meals from last week.

Friday's Stomboli was a huge hit! It cost only $4.59 to make these. Check 'em out...

We had to re-arrange some of our meal plans this past week and I didn't end up making the Mediterranean Packets until last night....another yummy meal we will be enjoying agin! These were a super steal thanks to me catching an error at my local grocery. The artichoke hearts in a can are normally priced around $3.50 and were on sale for $1.50. They rang them at the normal price and they had to pay me $6.00 to make up for it. I guess it pays to check your receipt. I'm now making more of a habit out of it. Total for this meal was $3.29! Here's a quick pic.

More to come later in the week with 3 in 1 Chicken meals!

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